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Welcome to AIFMRG

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Welcome to AIFMRG

Our institute is one of the premier centre for Advanced Fetal Care and has world-class clinical and research facility. It offers best care to the fetus and the unborn’s family by giving immediate access to the latest medical services. This includes our state-of-art prenatal diagnostic services, where patients can avail 4D obstetric ultrasound and screening tests, as early as in the first trimester of pregnancy. The Center has rapidly gained a repute of being a premier resource in the field of fetal medicine – care and support of the unborn.

This Center is one of the best choices for evaluation and treatment of fetal abnormalities. By testing and identifying the fetal abnormalities at the earliest, you can provide your baby the best prospects for treatment and proper care in the intrauterine period and also after birth.

Pregnant women with complications during antenatal period can turn to the fetal medicine specialists at our Center to seek best of advice and care for co-management.

We perform ultrasound scans, screening tests and fetal interventional diagnostic procedures to notify more about the baby’s problem so that we can plan appropriate care for the mother and her baby during the remainder of the pregnancy. We work closely with other regional specialists such as neonatologists, paediatric cardiologists and paediatric surgeons who can help care for the baby before and after delivery. Occasionally, we might offer treatment before the baby is born.

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We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advanced services.

We bring more than 20 years’ senior experience forging
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Kathleen Smith

Senior Director

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Senior Director

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We also bring a strong interest in coaching and capability building, with an emphasis on emotional.

Fred L Smith

Senior Director